Month: October 2018

Why the Travel Industry Needs More B Corps

Travel has truly transformed me and in 20 years in the industry, working across all seven continents, I’ve seen what travel can do to help and protect the places we visit, but also how it can hurt or even destroy them. And the stakes are only getting higher. Over the next decade, the volume of global travelers is expected to rise to 1.7 billion a year, a nearly 60% bump…

Localview: Explore Home Like a Tourist

Traditionally not many Kenyans ever see much of our beautiful country. But five years ago, the country launched Tembea Kenya, which means “Tour Kenya,” an initiative to lower travel expenses and awaken more Kenyans to travel around our beloved Kenya. Now there’s a growing awareness of local destinations, particularly amongst millennials who travel more. My travels in Kenya have definitely shaped my view of my homeland. And I’m lucky in…

7 Ways to Experience Native American Cuisine this Thanksgiving

Native American cuisine? It's all about cooking methods and dishes shaped by landscapes and available resources: for example, salmon for tribes of the Pacific Northwest and bison for tribes of the Great Plains. It’s also the story of how these traditions had to adapt after Native Americans were forced off their homelands. Ironically, many Native American dishes have quietly been absorbed into what we see today as 'American' cuisine, many…

The Great French Chicken Road Trip

Ernest Hemingway’s posthumous memoir A Moveable Feast is a gift. The heart of it relives 1920s Paris, but it’s best when Ernest leaves town. F Scott Fitzgerald’s new book, The Great Gatsby, is just out, and Ernest hasn’t read it yet. When they meet, Fitzgerald asks for help driving his deformed car back from Lyon to Paris, and Ernest agrees. Then things get weird. Fitzgerald shows up late in Lyon,…

“Home” isn’t just where the heart is. It’s something more personal.

“Is this the right cut?” My Swedish husband has sent a third photo of nondescript, boney meat from his mission – to find me goat meat in Stockholm. The goat has to be the right balance of bone, fat and meat for my stew. I respond, as two times before, with a disappointing “no.” I would join his quest, but I’m lying feet up, bloated and counting the days before…