6 Questions with Meagan Morrison

  1. How would you describe your design aesthetic?

    I don’t know if I think about creativity, I just feel it. Some days I feel it more than others but it always comes back. I would say 90% of my creative projects, whether personal or commissioned, start with a destination. From there I have the lens to create from. I’ll start scouring the internet for imagery from that specific place to better understand the climate, traditions, color palettes... and I start to think about concepts to pair together to make something totally unique. I usually start sketching at this point and narrowing in on final concepts that I’ll render into a finished image.

  2. Dance, photography, music, color, design—is there anything you don’t draw inspiration from?

    Haha that’s a good question! I suppose if there is one thing I don’t draw from that would be negativity. My life motto is to always look for the positive in every situation, so even if I’m illustrating something that is inspired by conflict or heavier subject matter, it’s done in a way to inspire optimism and light.

  3. Travel, write, draw—does it usually flow in this order for you?

    Honestly, yes! When I originally came up with the name 10 years ago, I felt it sounded best in that order. Yet it really does reflect the process of osmosis I go through to create my art. After being on the ground exploring a new destination, writing and reflecting on the experience, and distilling over time what really impacted me, I’m able to create my art from there.

  4. How would you describe the ‘Meagan Morrison’ aesthetic?

    Vibrant, whimsical, expressive, eclectic styling of both contemporary and vintage design elements, created at the intersection of fashion and travel.

  5. What do you remember most about your time in Morocco?

    I remember the sheer rush of every sense being ignited at once; sight, smell, sound, and touch. Walking through the Medina for the very first time got my heart racing. I also remember marveling at the sheer level of details in Moroccan design. Their intricate plaster work, tiles, handwoven rugs, and lanterns.

  6. Read any really good books lately?

    Yes, most definitely! I got through quite a few at the height of lockdown. The two that really stand out to me most are “It’s What I Do: A Photographer’s Life of Love and War” by Lynsey Addario and “The Rules Do Not Apply” by Ariel Levy. Both are autobiographical written by incredibly strong females who have led such purpose and passion driven lives, traveling the world for their careers, and blazing their own trails.